Pumpkin chunk

Full disclosure: I am not on the gluten-free bandwagon. Ash, however, is. He says it helps his body not ache, and he swears he can tell when he is on or off gluten-free foods.
So in the spirit of being supportive, I decided to make him a treat. He has the worst chocolate sweet tooth I have ever seen. Thus, a chocolate sweet bread seemed fun.

If you haven't used Williams-Sonoma mixes before, I find them to be easy and fun. This recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chunk bread literally uses two eggs, a stick of butter, water, and the mix.
After the dump and stir, I plopped the concoction in my cutie pumpkin pan (also from WS) and baked for an hour.
When it came out of the oven, I let it cool, and then dusted with confectioners sugar to help the "patch" show up a little bit more.
And voila! A sweet treat for my sweet. I'm thinking a chocolate drizzle would be really good on this as well. Or maybe a sugar glaze.
Do you have any Williams-Sonoma products you can't live without?