Travel luggage review
As part of the continuing series on travel items, I thought I'd give you a review of some of the pieces I carried on a recent trip. I...

What's in my bag: travel edition
I have become a total weirdo when it comes to reading travel posts. I can't get enough of articles on trimming down what to take on a...

Not really a cheese ball, cheese ball
YOU GUYS! Do you ever make something off Pintrest and it turns out to be AMAZING?! Well, I had that experience and I have to share it...

Neighbor/Co-worker Gifts
Every now and then, an idea turns out like I pictured it in my head! I'd seen charming photos of herbs in tea tins in England, and I...

Fun Run
Are you doing a fun run for the holiday season? I did one at Thanksgiving, and it had been awhile since I'd participated. Y'all. People...

Event bags
If you've been to a football game this fall, you know about the new bag requirements. In case you have post-season plans, or are planning...

Thanksgiving Outfit
Do you use Polyvore? It is such a fun app. You can pick out outfit pieces, and it takes you to the store link for purchase. Genius for...

Have you tried....?
Have you tried a cooking class? I signed up for one years ago, but it turned out to be a demonstration with no hands-on work. So imagine...

Capsule Packing
If you've been paying attention to Pintrest lately, you've probably seen capsule wardrobes floating on your feed. These minimalist...

Pumpkin chunk
Full disclosure: I am not on the gluten-free bandwagon. Ash, however, is. He says it helps his body not ache, and he swears he can tell...